Ogmore Angling Association

Welcome to the Ogmore Angling Association



Ogmore Angling Fly Tying Club meet regularly on Monday evenings throughout the close season at the Railway Club in Bridgend, Coity Road, Bridgend, CF31 1LR

They welcome novices and experts alike. If you'd like to learn a bit more about fly dressing in a relaxed atmosphere or start from the very beginning you'll meet a friendly group of fly dressers who'll happily share their skills with you.

One gentleman who typifies the ethos of the club is "Peter Ross" who has painstakingly filmed hours of instructional videos full of tips and tricks to help fellow fly tiers along their way. This section of the website has been inspired by his dedication to the craft and the contribution he's made to the knowledge base within the club.


  We're very lucky to have some more input from "Peter Ross", who has tied and videoed 28 new flies, all painstakingly filmed to a high standard and available his YouTube channel - here's the list.


  1. EGG LAYING SPINNER (KLINKERHAMER STYLE)              http://youtu.be/PgM38iZohPY

  1. TYNE TOUCAN                                                                      http://youtu.be/mRt2L0qhuWI

  2. MAYFLY                                                                                  http://youtu.be/0sSKYXmhLgE

  3. SPENT STONEHAM SPINNER                                              http://youtu.be/sA9TTV8cd-Q

  4. HASLAM                                                                                 http://youtu.be/hdB248BVvYM

  5. AQUATIC SPIDER                                                                  http://youtu.be/sHZvbmTdmuI

  6. DEPOSITING GRANNOM                                                     http://youtu.be/7NiZTRbp05Y

  7. FOAM BEETLE (DRY FLY)                                                     http://youtu.be/f7c2Ea7_4Dg

  8. CLARET DABBLER                                                                 http://youtu.be/Mr9VMJMkXBI

  9. IRON BLUE (DRY FLY)                                                           http://youtu.be/XwsUirajCIQ

  10. ADAMS (DRY)                                                                       http://youtu.be/L2ou4RycEk4

  11. KNOTTED MIDGE (DRY FLY)                                               http://youtu.be/xKw8ZwYSmFg

  12. ROYAL WULFF (VARIANT)                                                  http://youtu.be/xZ4MzYxU2t0

  13. SILVER SHRIMP (SALMON OR SEATROUT FLY)               http://youtu.be/llJnLEbJ_F0

  14. RED STOAT TAIL                                                                   http://youtu.be/njBSSxeQHfg

  15. CASCADE (SALMON FLY)                                                    http://youtu.be/Kixt9lIRMPA

  16. HOLOGRAPHIC OLIVE CRUNCHER                                    http://youtu.be/30AL5oJoSPg

  17. HAWTHORN                                                                         http://youtu.be/0B1-4MTP2S4

  18. WATSONS FANCY TRADITIONAL STYLE WET                  http://youtu.be/Ti4pUDDWVVg

  19. WILLIE GUNN (TUBE FLY)                                                   http://youtu.be/yLHmXTKEmRs

  20. RED EYE GRASSHOPPER                                                     http://youtu.be/8dFlDR1Mz0s

  21. SNELDA SALMON/SEWIN FLY                                           http://youtu.be/-J9Mxr3tizk

  22. DIAWL BACH                                                                        http://youtu.be/it2xYxlrXow

  23. BLACK AND CLARET BUMBLE                                            http://youtu.be/vIRvUJMwIOc

  24. BABY DOLL (VARIANT)                                                        http://youtu.be/7XKey36_Lt0

  25. SHUTTLECOCK EMERGER                                                   http://youtu.be/FvBJYcS_tjg

  26. ANGLERS CURSE (CAENIS)                                                  http://youtu.be/9S3kkPvPMgA


